(Excuse my spelling, It's off today)
Let's start the day off with some nice, healthy fighting to rush out the door. Then mix in a little disappointment and sorrow throughout the day and VOILA! You have a violent thinking Ambi by the end of the day.
Once I got to school, Fully over my 'getting ready' distress, I happily texted around trying to find someone to go to the SADD conferance with me... GUESS WHAT! No one wanted to come. Why? Because they are all 'scared of people'. Yeah fuckin right! Lazy is what it's called. So, I try to register to go on my own. Check the website, www.saddsask.ca, You will see that they have a whole group for delegations of ONE. But ooohhh no. Mrs. LargeChin-ski would not have it. "Your the only one who wants to go, there's no point, you need a chaperone, you can't go alone." One word can sum this up; Bullshit. I can go if I want to. SADD rules state it. I don't need a chaperone because one will be provided for the 'LonerDelegates' group. And the point is to actually force some enthusiasum and responsibility on the members. This is why no one wants to join SADD.
--->This all filled first period.
Later, I got to write a BORING test. Super easy, totally boring... I was done sooo early. But, I didn't even set foot outside my testing cubicle because my friends had disappeared. Far be it from them to actually wait for me. Then I get harrassed by the boardshort people (Aka the poopular SRC and such people). They just don't seem to understand the word 'Alone'.
---> And this was my second period
So we move on to the next hour, English! Gothica was extremely B-I-T-C-H-Y and I dunno why... I love it when my 'friends' are in a bad mood and take it out on me. I call it "Ass Syndrome." We had a few tests, 2 on quotes and one multiple choice. I'm hoping I did ok. I have no idea what happened yesterday though considering I missed class! Luckily the All Mighty Ms. B-Cat gave me the work. Woot Woot! ...more work.. Good god, I'll never be done. (On the one hand though, as I'm writing this, I remember that I forgot my English at school... Fuck.)
---> Third Period zooms away
Now comes the High and Powerful LUNCH! Gothica is still bitchy so I don't even bother to ask if I can shove my books in her locker like I usually do. Instead I get to walk to the other end of school (Lazy me, I know) and put my stuff away, Being harrassed because my binder is 'cute' therefore 'immature'. Pricks. I get back and saunter into the lunch line only to find out I'm a FRICKIN QUARTER SHORT because Jilly Darling cannot add. So I borrow from the Pentagram Queen. Thank you FrogEditor! (She has many nicknames) I sit down and this new hor, Amy, pipes up with a pumpkin allergy. Sooo I go and sit by Blanche, Gothica, and J-dude. Gothica and Blanche are so wrapped up with each other that I'm surprised their lunches got ate. It's amazing to think that Gothica has a different boyfriend, I cannot wait until him and Blanche meet. J-dude was nice again but he left... to be a loner... at the library.. again. So I eat my pie (Thanksgiving... Yum Pie) and listen into conversations and chatter away about normal stuff. Gothica says to me later on 'I don't mean to be rude ambi but your giving me a headache.' Alright, I'll give her that. She's sick. Amy feels it is her duty to say 'Well, I hate you so I can tell you to just shut up!" What the hell did I do to her, I barely know the bitch! Lunch progresses normally until near the end when Blanche, Gothica and me have a conversation about Blanche being Gothica's total slave (Aka Bitch, loyal like a dog) He profusely denies, Gothica laughs, and I state the obvious. Oh Joy. (Did I mention that Blanche took his phone and showed everyone the ton of texts he has recieved consist only of mine and this ryan fellow's. It's not my fault if he has no one else to talk to.)
--->Lunch hour runs on into fourth period
As I'm walking to life trans I send two texts. One to Blanche; "And If you didn't want me to text you then you could've just said so." Dumbest words of my life. Second to Gothica, "You grumpy cuz your sick of me?" Which we joke about. I get to life trans and none of my regular buddies are there... And one whom I can kinda stand, The T, comes in half an hour late, gives me terrible notes, humilates me in front of class and smells like a tank dumped sewage on her... Good God. Mrs. G (Sweet Teacher but sooo oblivious) makes us say one thing we're thankful for (in Grade 12... good golly...) I say 'I'm thankful I wake up breathing" and Mel mistakes breathing for breeding! Yeesh! So blushing by now...
---> Over, run away to fifth period
Yak Yak, Talk Talk, Get the notes from yesterday... Then we read! As soon as reading is over it is decided that we will go to the library and work on our 6 page essays. (which I still need to do... only 3 paragraphs... Due two days from now. Uh oh) Gothica and Red (Twins do everything together...) sit at a table near the computers to write up their roughdrafts while Blanche and I sit at the computers to type! (I typy so fast! =3) I get so ticked off at the computer that I quit and go to handwriting it. That didn't work well... to easily distracted. must be the Taurus thing. I work on it until I notice a Wesnoski twin and quote a joke about belt buckles compensating for smaller parts of the anatomy. Gothica sarcastically informs me about how great belt buckles are and when I say "I was just joking, That was really mean of you..." She gets up and sits at the table behind me and Red. Red, I notice, says nothing but I think is on my side... I get sad, because Gothica is my friend. Soon I find myself saying sorry even though it was SHE who had hurt me. She stays over there though, for 'space'. Alright, Go for it. I run an errand for Red to find out where FrogEditor and the BreastedBitch ran off to and she's grateful for it but has to go herself. So I'm alone at the table. I figure out how to use the school email system thanks to Gothica so I'm running on the electronic writing again. I try to converse with Blanche but he's rather zoned out. He quotes things that make no sense and when I comment on them he quotes MORE. So I jokingly call him annoying, life goes on. (Remember this.) Later, Gothica scares the crap out of me by sneaking up behind me. I jump.. Yay. But it seems to have caught Blanche's amusement... Figures though, He loves everything Gothica does. Why? I dunno! Class ends with him being moody.. again.
--> Class ends, move on the right after school
I be a gopher (go for this go fer that) for a bit with the football rally thing and end up burning my whole mouth on cocoa, and it still hurts. I text Blanche this and he laughs and says its karma for calling him annoying. What the fuck...? He calls me annoying all the time. I shrug it off but he continues to be bitchy (Well into the football I am textin him) until he tells me: "Do me a favor and stop texting me." I go through the stages: Denial, Anger the acceptance. By the time I get to acceptance we're losing 50 to 21 and I'm about to cry. I feel proud though for I did not. Although this might have been because my tear ducts were frozen. There's another thing, it was so cold and I was in pain because Red, FrogEditor and BreastedBitch use me for their footwarmer instead of letting me on the bench. I let them for survival instincts because I was THAT COLD. Eventually Red notices I'm upset and we thaw in the washroom for a bit. She thinks it's because I'm cold. HA! No, It's because a friend just told my to leave him alone, for good. If he was busy or something he could've told me but oh no, had to slap me across the face... Sigh.
--> After the football game
I hitch a ride with Red and she forgets her cellphone. We have to go back to the field to find it. I find it. She's grateful. Thank you for this small kindness Lord. I'm even colder. I make it home, a popsicle.
Help me.... I'll go listen to my therapist now, his name is Foamy.
1 comment:
... Huh. You know the song "My 13 year old me" or whatever it is. By Pink I believe. Yeah, *HUGS18YEAROLDSELF* You will never have to deal with those people again. You will move away and your life WILL be better. I promise.
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