Ya know. Religion is pissing me off.
Most religons have one big MALE head honcho. Anyone consider that maybe he's the same dude everytime?
Religion has almost always put down females btw. Except Druids and Amazons (wtf did they worship?) women have been the lower sex.
Fuck that.
I have so many questions. (Really. I could go on) But asking a priest (do you see any priestesses? NO. There are nuns but no FEMALE POPE.) makes him say 'read the bible'. umm... it's tainted and been messed with a mistranslated over the years.
Halp.... Someone who will answer logistically.
Have you ever actually asked a priest?
They don't just read the bible and follow it word for word - if they did, there wouldn't be so many Christian churches.
They interpret the bible.
Ask one and they'll give you the reason they believe.
Why yes, yes I have. I got sneered at. You are evveerrr so helpful. Pfft.
I'm an atheist, but I figured I'd fill you in a bit on Hinduism.
There is no real 'head honcho' in Hinduism. There's something like what, 300 million gods/goddesses? Everyone just chooses who they want to worship, and how they want to worship. They have a fair number of festivals, but those can be celebrated loads of different ways depending on the region or even the family.
The relationship between male and female is that of a kind of power balance. The male is the female's god, but the female is the source of the male's power (best explained in the form of the pair Radha and Krishna).
But then, even the different gods/goddesses are only regarded as different faces of the ultimate being, thus why there are so many different faces. xD Anyway, I think it's really interesting. The Wikipedia article on it is pretty thorough.
o-o That sounds cool.
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