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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"I don't see how it's wrong just because "A key and a lock always go together". Well, does anyone ever stop to think that maybe it's not all about sex? Whenever I hear someone preach against gays, it's because of the sexual aspect and how it's "gross". Straight sex is pretty damn nasty too. :/ You're putting two genitals that excrete urine (and, in one case, blood) and various lubricating fluids together in order to unite yet another bodily fluid and a cell that would have otherwise been destined to slide out in a flow of chunky, foul smelling blood in order to create a baby that will defecate and urinate INSIDE the mother while waiting to be squeezed out of a tiny, narrow birth canal where the entire process started in the first place."

Thanks Arrow, I will never look at sex the same way again.

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