I haven't posted in awhile, so I'm going to post some... interesting.. comments I've been finding.
" No, by all means, I'd like mens' opinions as well as womens'. :D I do agree with you on the 'easy birth control' bit, though. There are too many women out there who seem to think that, 'oh, it's okay, I can always get an abortion'. I know some who are like that. And, not to start a totally different argument, but every one of them are Chinese or Indian" TheApostleJudas #10345
Opinion on this quote: ... Say what? Is... was that racist to anyone else or am I losing it?
"Point being, society teaches "don't get raped" rather than "don't rape". And that is beyond fucked up." Rinny (#3168)
Opinion on this quote: Damn skippy! Agreed!
"Trying doesn't work in the real world. I don't like that they impress "try = automatically succeed" on students. Maybe it was just my school, as it was a public school underfunded, but... ugh. It was just bad. You could do all your work, and get the same grade as someone who didn't feel like doing it and needed a lot of "help and hand holding" from a counselor."
Opinion on this quote: Agreed, had a fucking lazy girl in my grade that went to the "Student Support Center" because they didn't want her to fail. Frankly, LET THE LAZY BITCH FAIL. If she won't do the work then she doesn't deserve the reward.
Eh.... I'm done. Gonna go pump more water out of the basement. Bai.
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