Guess what? Breeding without .psds is part of the application. Therefore, your JOB to do the best that you can with or without them. There are a million techniques at your disposal, and doing an overlay is pure laziness. If they wanted a derp breeding, they would've used a derp coin. Not paid 23gp to have you do what they could've done themselves. Derp coins are called Derp coins for a reason- because overlaying looks DERPY. An LBC is made to have an ARTIST do your breeding for you, and an artist should know how to cut things apart, use blending modes, duplicate layers, place things in the lineart that you should have on file. All things you should be more than capable of doing, since you applied indicating that you could with examples that didn't have .psds. Now all of a sudden it's a big deal that they don't have them? You're too good to bother?
The reason many of the gen 2's are missing is because they were deleted, and not by the owner. If you need a .psd that bad, asking takes a whopping 3 seconds. I have a copy-paste message where I just change the pet image.
Seriously. Get some pride or get out. I wish you had to look every user in the eye before handing over their babbys. Don't rip people off with laziness just to get money, that's just disgusting to me. People pay cash for this shit, you're getting paid cash for this shit. Do your damn job right. Yes, effort is necessary.
No I'm not complaining about a breeding I received. I'm complaining about attitudes and lack of artistic pride and morals.
This isn't directed at anyone in particular. Very very ill and my dog was just unjustly put down for something that isn't even deadly. FML.
I actually don't care because I never really notice any flaws in my breedings but I thought this post was funny because it was directed at BJ in the minirants.
Anyone else cringe a little at that? Geez. That woman (or.. black man...) scares me. Miss Mally has balls.
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