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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Well something this stupid...

Needs to be documented here. Meet Chezzeh (#8466) and what she said on this thread.


:( I don't like how this discussion turned into a "LET'S HATE ON CYNDER FOR SHARING THE OPINION SHE RIGHTFULLY HAS!!! D:<" fest. That said, I want to share my OWN opinion.

People at 13 should be smart enough not to do something so stupid without realizing that there would be consequences. Especially something that has been talked about NUMEROUS times on news, about scandals where nude pictures are posted places. Honestly, she had to be thinking that SOMETHING would happen. Thirteen year old children and NOT that stupid.

That said, I guess I'm kind of glad that what happened happened. Not because I'm saying that she deserved to get raped. But MAYBE this will tell ALL THE OTHER thirteen year old girls out there NOT to post naked pictures of themselves. The best lessons in life are learned the hard way. And though the hard way is unfortunate, I doubt that she will ever make a mistake close to this again. Hopefully others will learn from her as well.

And if the mother LET her child do this, then it's a totally different matter. Then it's the parents fault, just as much as the rapist's. Let it also be a lesson towards better parenting.

Edit: Forgot to add this in. I also agree that it is not good for people to be telling her that she deserved it to her face. It's one thing to say something behind closed doors. But it's an entirely different ballgame when it's posted for her and the public to see. That's wrong, and a disgrace to any human nature of caring and kindness."

ANNNDD after being replied to, this:

Even if an opinion is wrong, it's still an opinion and should be treated with respect. Not lashed out against with anger. And alright, she said inappropriate. The child still got raped. That does not mean that she will be scarred for the rest of her life. Again, actions have consequences, that are sometimes too much of a punishment. Like whenever someone tries Acid for the first time and has a bad trip and are mentally messed up forever. Did he/she deserve to have his/her life ruined? Not at all. But actions come with consequences.

This girl did not deserve to be raped. That much as been established by everyone on this board at one point or another. But it happened. And I STILL say let it be an example, a lesson, for all those other girls out there who want to do it. And the parents who let it happen. Perhaps my wording was a bit off last night when I originally posted, but what I meant was I'm glad it can be used as an example.

Also, Cynder's (and everyone else's for the matter) opinion did not, and does not, deserve to be attacked. If I said "In my opinion, Tim McGraw is the best singer to ever live" and you didn't agree, would you attack me? Even over controversial matters, opinions should not be attacked. THAT is the sort of thing which has made some citizens of American (I can't speak the same about other places) afraid to speak their mind.

Edit: About the Holocaust thing. Some people repress all memories of the Holocaust in order to protect their minds from the devastation. The brain does this automatically, therefor I could understand why some people would say that. It doesn't make them right, given, but it's just their body trying to protect itself. (Unless they're just being a jerk and saying that the government set the whole thing up. :( Conspiracies, and whatnot. Those people kind of annoy me. )

Edit, Again: By reading your post about 700 times, Zebby, I thought of something I hadn't considered before. With the way the media is sexualized, I suppose it would be possible that she's unaware that she's posting inappropriate pictures. I suppose it would have to be in the viewer's jurisdiction on whether it's inappropriate or not. :l Inappropriate could be pictures that belong in pornography books. Or, it could be a slightly sexy pose with a shirt that shows just a tad bit of cleavage. That's an interesting thought. If the pictures were of the latter nature, then people post pictures like that all the time. Getting stalked and raped for it it way out of line. :l This is too much thinking for my mind that only got 1 1/2 hours of sleep last night."
Stupidity, hypocrisy and idiocy IN +9000 LEVELS!

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