Off topic: You know, I really don't like Batman sometimes. Why? He NEVER kills the criminals even if they sorely need it. I have to wonder if he just keeps putting them in the asylum so that they DO break out and he can keep his crime fighting hobby alive. :|
On topic: "1) Retard. Gay. Fag. Bitch. Slut. Nigger. There, I said it. Words are words. Saying a "offensive" word is not a deadly sin. 2) Babies are for the most part disgusting. I don't give a crap if you're offended by my lack of oooh-ing and ahh-ing over your offspring. Once they're seven or so, then we can talk. 3) People who call themselves Christians need to actually READ the bible. If a sexist, homicidal, controlling God is still your idea of "Almighty Love" then I'm honestly not sure what to think of you. 4) On the other hand, it's not okay to tease, mock, hurt, or abuse someone because of their spirtuality. What they believe is their own damn business. 5) Denying someone human rights because of their age is just as wrong as due to something like race or sex. 6) I really have no interest in caring for my obnoxious brother his whole life. Having autism doesn't excuse his downright asshole behaviors. If he cannot care for himself, he can have fun in a group home. 7) Censorship is wrong in all forms. Don't like it? Don't read/watch/see/listen to it. The PTC is a group of pretentious jerks. 8) I hate the whole "care for your own country first" shit. Being American is not an excuse for sitting on your ass while people around the world are victims of brutality and suffering. Countries are nothing more than political boundaries. 9) Anyone who abuses animals is a sicko and there should be mandatory jail time for anyone who does so. 10) On the other hand, the US prison system is the biggest waste of taxpayer money ever. Rape, violence, and lack of basic necessities will not and never will magically reform a criminal."
- srslyjc (#12945)
You know, I have a love/hate relationship with the 'Unpopular Opinions' thread. It makes me feel just a bit more violent with every post, but... I also know who to avoid and never speak to again. :|
You know what else is interesting about it? I've seen two people in the last ten pages get attacked for posting their unpopular opinion only to have people tell THEM not to attack people with unpopular opinions. :| Firefalcon about languages? Yeah, he attacked someone else first. Fluffyhorror on religion? WHY is she apologizing? They attacked her! O_o
You people boggle my mind.
Which is why that thread is nothing but a hot pile of steaming crap and they're all just adding to it. :D I swear, they must have a fecal fetish, with the way they're shitting all over one another... but you're right, at least now we know who to avoid. :'D
Eeewww, now that was an image I didn't need. Fecal fetish *shudders*
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