"Stupidity Alert: http://www.aywas.com/forum/topic/121835/
From Aporro (#3734). Posts in a thread about how intolerant people are being about transgendered people with this classy line, and others like it: "You know before our culture warped our minds so that we thought being gay etc is bad that it was okay? Its natural...well...mostly. I don't really understand people that cross dress. I think that's sick =/ but that's besides the point...."
"Its just a personal thing c: to each their own...but I just think its disturbing and sick lol"
Woo, not only does this person need to go back to junior high English class, they need a slap upside the head, too. So, when other people are intolerant it's totally bad and disgusting and wrong, but when YOU'RE intolerant, it's "just a personal thing lol". Yeah. You know who I've heard that line from before? A girl who hates lesbians and thinks they are disgusting and wrong but thinks gay guys are omgsooohawt, several guys who beat up a gay guy for being gay, along with a slew of other biased, bigoted assholes attempting to justify their intolerance. Nice try. It's not working, you still sound like an asshole."
XD Heh, I saw this already but LAC beat me to it and... well, I'm lazy, so here's her take on it! :3
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