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Thursday, November 24, 2011

More importantly, this: "Wow, I'm pretty disappointed by this thread. :|"

It's a debate. O_o A discussion. On top of that, Skitty is a staff member. There's nothing in this thread to warrant a post with just that quote in it. If anything, it's a little insulting to everyone participating in the discussion. 


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have absolutely no idea why she posted that, but it seems to convey misplaced or assumptive disgust towards the people participating in the discussion, which is highly disappointing from ANY staff member, but seeing as it was Skitty... is it bad that I'm tempted to say I'm not surprised in the least? She seems to have gotten more and more unprofessional since last scavenger hunt.

Zebby said...

I haven't really noticed her til now. :/ I mean, why hasn't any of the other mods said anything about that post? If it was a regular member they'd be all over it right?