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Friday, February 24, 2012

I don't even..

"Everyone's already said it all. ;) (Why is this here. It is mocking me.) Just like wildlife preserves work hard to enrich the lives of their animals as well as helping endangered populations breed to create healthier numbers, zoos do the same and also increase awareness about the animals they have. They frequently have breeding programs and utilize them to exchange animals with other zoos so that they can bring in new healthy unrelated animals, and they do a ton of community work to educate people about the role animals have in our world.

They are definitely not about our amusement
(Not at all.) with the exception that most people that go to zoos do really enjoy having the opportunity to see animals they might otherwise never get to view. My nine year old daughter decided she wanted to become a marine biologist (She made this decision at 7) due to zoos and wildlife protection areas we had visited on vacations and trips. (HOW IS THIS EVEN RELEVANT TO THE CONVERSATION x-x WHO CARES.)

There are bad zoos, of course, who do not take proper care of their animal and aren't like the big zoos one sees in larger cities. Those type of zoos I do not approve of at all, but in general, I have been to very few zoos who weren't contributing very heavily to conservation and protection and education."

Bolded and red stuff. Yeah. I'm done here. Fuck you lady.


Kitty said...

Wolfcat... perfecting the art of being a cunt.

Zebby said...