"Ok, seriously. I have not replied back to anyone, I have not read anyones comments but the first two who replied, that's it. However, word has gotten to me of Slash posting here.
Her post was summed up for me, so...here I am.
Slash. I guess, if you ban me for posting this, so be it. However, no offense, but..if I get banned for calling you out then that will only look bad on you in the end.
I was informed that you mentioned something to the affect of us users being allowed to "take advantage" of the derps and "abuse the system"
Now, I've kept my mouth closed long enough. LONG ENOUGH. I'm quite possibly sure you are younger than me, and while other people here might not think that makes any difference, obviously..it does.
Yes, so us users, and I am NOT GOING TO LIE, have been abusing the derps and their true "use" for some time.
However, an no offense to the other staff and those whom approved our pretty breedings, but...this is ultimately their fault.
If the derps were never meant to produce PRETTY babies, than, that offspring should of NEVER been approved, Period.
Does this give you the right you take those babies away? No. You do not allow someone to do something for so long and then punish them for your mistakes.
I am not saying that you said you're going to do this, so, my assumption probably makes me look bad.
However, do I put it past you to do it? Absolutely not.
I've seen how you have reacted to users and players in the past, and honestly..you need to grow up and mature a lot more if you want to continue this business called Aywas.
It is a business. Regardless of what anyone thinks.
I do not mean that out of malice, I mean it out of respect..which you may not see..but trust me, that's how mean it.
You need to respect your players a lot more than you do.
Now, granted, people here might jump my ass and say you do respect them by all the events that go on...that, honestly, does not mean anything to me nor justify how you tend to treat people at times.
BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE TAKEN THE WRONG WAY! Yes, I LIKE the events, I take PART in them, I do CARE about them and I appreciate them and respect the Staff for putting them out..what I meant by "not mean anything to me" is the justification part...
Also, back to the derps. About those pretty babies. I do believe someone gave the users a misconception about the ideal of DERP and PRETTY and what's NOT ALLOWED.
...I'm sorry, that vion, though derpy in it's own way (like my Vayne)...is what I would consider a PRETTY BABY..
So..no. Take the blame for yourself, eat a piece of humble pie, and suck it up.
You are equally, if not MORE RESPONSIBLE for the system being abused than your users.
The sooner you realize this, the better.
Seriously, stop blaming your player base. That's a good way to loose business.
I was seriously pissed at you when you blamed your users for Rebel (I think it was Rebel) or whomever the programer was, for leaving. That pissed me off greatly.
I'm sure we didn't help, with all of our complaints, and bitching..however...
That's also on you. Fix what is broken before making new. That's all we really ask.
Fix what is broken. New stuff is ALWAYS AWESOME, however, stop making new stuff if it's not coded. If it's broken, remove it from the system completely until it is fixed.
I'm going to ask that you please NOT ban me for this, and before you post back another rage rant, you take everything I have said to heart, and truly think on it...or at least, even if you do post rant here, it eventually hits you at some point in time and you realize...what I've said is true.
No, I don't own my own business. No, I don't own my own website. However, I have owned my own chat rooms, and though that's not the exactly the same, you do deal with drama and people and their shit just the same. I've been a moderator and an OP for over 10 years.
I've also learned the way to run a business from what I think are the best bosses (former now) that anyone could ever work for. And old couple pushing their 80's that have successfully owned the same business for more than 30 years. I learned a lot from them...."
Really? I mean.. REALLY. Grow a pair and gtfo.
Hahahaha XD Gawd she made me headdesk.
I was so tempted to post, but then Frey posted mentioning locking the thread so I was all "8T ok"
And now the thread is deleted altogether. Herp Derp.
Wow, that's just...wow. *headdesks*
Talking about maturity while making an immature tirade, pft.
Thread deleted? Glad I posted this up then O_O
Im glad Im not the only one thinking slash is a bit childish. I quite like eri taking care of the site and continue to hope she does. She's kind and loving and understanding. She listens to the users more then slash ever has. I guess we'll really know if slash is that childish if you get banned eh?
Slash isn't just a bit childish, she IS childish.
- Slash rails against Homestuck/Homestuck customs in mini rants.
- Draik counters with Slash's OMGSUPERAWESOME (in her head) gay characters.
I don't remember a Draik, Kitty? And Megu, frankly, I'm not worried. I'm breaking no rules with this. ;) Offsite hun. If I get banned with my onsite stuff? So be it.
Poor baby absolutely can't stand criticism.
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