O_o Why didn't I get to this ridiculous rant on time?
So far I thought that Aywas was another one of those special online communities, like my online home UniFaction, but apparently I was wrong. While a lot of people I've met here are absolutely lovely, there are just as many greedy ones, like on any other online game out there... When the new items were added, I tried to grab some extras, because I knew that due to the high demand, they wouldn't be easy to get in the stores for a while. Then I put them into my own shops for what I would call reasonable prices. Slightly higher than what I paid for them, because I did after all spend over an hour trying to hunt them all down, but not outrageous or in the GP area. Just now, someone bought two small items from my shops, for 8K each and put them into their own shop for 19K each. Thereby destroying my effort to offer these items to someone for a reasonable price. All I wanted to do was be nice. But no, someone else's greed wins. Congratulations! (I then posted on her profile asking why she did that, but she simply deleted my comment.) My UF friends told me, it's not against the rules to do this and that that's just how all online games are... alright then. Expected too much, I guess. I'm angry and I'm disappointed. I was going to open a newbie charity with all the HA item extras I got from the Seasonal Shop. Don't see that happening now though. And no, I'm not usually a quitter, but I don't think I'm going to participate in this community much anymore. If it's as rotten as any other one, what's the point. But hey, maybe someone reads this and reconsiders their own actions. Maybe..." How.. how stupid can you be. x-x And how the HELL is 19k pricey? Well :D I hopped over to UniFaction! She's stupid over there too :| http://forum.unifaction.com/thread.php?f=8&id=433&page=1471 Here you are. Best part? The girl she's bitching about was over there, posting her side of it. Sara, I feel so sorry for you. :( This Lyra chick is crazy. EDIT2: Ok, last one I hope, I got this: "sorry for bothering you with my friendliness." and this "wow, that's nice. you know what, i'll just stop bothering everyone for today. i've really had it up to here and i'm sick of fighting with people." By posting this: "This will be the only time I reply to you Lyra as your post on aywas has made me VERY wary of you. :( But I am #1238. Kinda hard to miss ^-^ One of those xatters, or if you listen to Guill 'Elitist Noob.' *shrugs*" For me, that's damn nice :D |
1 comment:
Lmao XD People can earn that much easily.
I have 5.5 mil BP lying around since I'm not sure what to do with it. I was considering buying a talisman or another upgrade.
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