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Friday, April 20, 2012

Personal Problems

Apparently fighting means I'm a horrible fucking person.

I should really just leave the fucking server and start anew.

And how STUPID does she think I am? No mother would text that! NOT ONE!

I wish she'd quit deliberately trying to make me feel guilty. I can't say anything or do anything anymore. I have to walk on eggshells around her.

But no... I'm always the bad one and it's nice to know almost the entire fucking guild hates me and talks behind my back.

It's nice to know people only PRETEND to be my friends.

But then, after what happened on aywas I shouldn't be surprised that the majority of my friendships end like this.

Really, the only one I can trust now is the one in the same situation as me.

Just... fuck. Fail at life. Fail at online. If next week goes wrong, that will be it. I'll be done.


DooblyDoo said...

Communities on MMOs usually fail :<
That's why I just play by myself if I ever play online games like WoW and just ignore everyone else.

If I have good friends that also play the MMO, I'll play with them~

Don't let crummy people deter you from being online or having online friends. I know what it's like to have a group of friends and them talk back behind my back and then backstab me.

It's why I'm more careful about who I consider my 'friend' that is online.

DooblyDoo said...

Ah that's rather low. D:

It's not cool to lie about suicide. Suicide is a serious thing and shouldn't be used to get attention =A=;;

I'm sorry you're having a hard time D:

Zebby said...

Wow it got worse. Thankyou for helping DooblyDoo

DooblyDoo said...

D: I hope things get better for you. You don't deserve to have to deal with all that bs.