This chick amuses me, she likes to go to other sites and try to garner attention. I absolutely adore it when people try other sites to mock people on aywas. It doesn't work sweeties!
Whoever compiled this, you're awesome.
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Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Gender Debate
What is this I don't even. Especially the last page. I've never seen this user before but she's at least trying to be civil. O_o Calm the fuck down. Agree to disagree on... the weirdest topic ever. I've never seen so many people trying sooo hard to be politically correct in my life.
What is this I don't even. Especially the last page. I've never seen this user before but she's at least trying to be civil. O_o Calm the fuck down. Agree to disagree on... the weirdest topic ever. I've never seen so many people trying sooo hard to be politically correct in my life.
You are..
... just disgusting. I tried sticking up for you but when I see you post trash I can't stand it anymore. I have to call you out on your utter bullshit. And what do you do? You fucking ignore me. Then when I try pming you thinking "Hmm, maybe she didn't notice" you can't bring yourself to pm me. You are not a friend. You are a fucking crazy ass bitch. Grow up Michi, you're losing more people than you are gaining.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Purple the Panda
You give pandas a bad name.
I waited. Twice I deleted my post. I tried to remain calm.
Eventually I just had to call this dumb bitch a moron. She's a HORRIBLE mother. >=[ I'm so upset she bred.
I waited. Twice I deleted my post. I tried to remain calm.
Eventually I just had to call this dumb bitch a moron. She's a HORRIBLE mother. >=[ I'm so upset she bred.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
At first, I kinda believed her. What got me was the dumbass saying "Obama-care at it's finest!"... (Seriously, you moron. We don't even HAVE Obamacare yet. Grow up you fox news feeding fucker.) Anyway, Motter, is lying. I don't even care anymore, she is LYING. >=[ You do not go from 14 weeks to 39 without noticing.
Just.. nargh.
At first, I kinda believed her. What got me was the dumbass saying "Obama-care at it's finest!"... (Seriously, you moron. We don't even HAVE Obamacare yet. Grow up you fox news feeding fucker.) Anyway, Motter, is lying. I don't even care anymore, she is LYING. >=[ You do not go from 14 weeks to 39 without noticing.
Just.. nargh.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Tayzer's breedings
Why am I seeing so many rants about this? What's wrong? O_o Like, minirants + confessions + lols. I don't get it. But then, I haven't really checked the breeding forums. Remember the days when BJ ran the breedings and if you didn't like it you sucked it up? (Forfearofgettingyourfaceeatenoffcough) Seriously, I got this brown arse babby I HATED. But you know what? Someone else loved it an I sold it. TRY THIS instead of QQing. Unless you are getting something that looks like derpony with a rad crystal then cease your whinings.
That being said.. OMG MEDIEVAL THEN SCRIBBLE ;n; These holidays have been fucking awesome. Must make all scribbles orange...
That being said.. OMG MEDIEVAL THEN SCRIBBLE ;n; These holidays have been fucking awesome. Must make all scribbles orange...
Friday, May 11, 2012
Queen Chrysalis (#1507)
To The Stage (#463) Posted Well, for what I learned in my Courtship and Marriage class last year, MxM has a chance of causing AIDS. (Which is why those who are in a MxM relationship can't give blood. At least according to the list of 'if you have done this/had this happen/etc. you are not eligible to donate blood' that I had to read through last time I gave blood.) That's two reasons for not having MxM. FxF well I don't have any real reason at the moment that I can think of.
Well LOOK OUT PEOPLE! Homosexuality causes AIDs.
Dear God, the moronic plague is leaking out of this user's ears.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Zon'ozz 25m Heroic Strat
(This has nothing to do with aywas, its just up so a friend can read it.)
Positioning the boss in the center of the pool where he stands will ensure dps and healers have equal distance to reach their positions going into black phase.
25 man Zonozz Vid DK Tank POV
Phase 1
Phase 1 will see the raid stacking on the bosses behind except for Yoshi, who will be off to the side but not in front of the boss and still in range to split ball damage. We will be doing a 9/9/9/1 . We will have 5 people with death immunities out solo soaking balls rotating from a single position. Those 5 in order are Lygophobia, Inrithu, Eviel, Cazidin, Nambert. Resto shammy to be named later will also be out with the group healing and dispelling if we get the debuff. I will be taking last ball and coordinating timing between my bounce, the ball hitting the boss, and the debuff for corrupting shadows. I will do my best to keep the corrupting shadows debuff to a minimal time while entering P2. Upon the ball hitting the raid stack on the 8th bounce, raid will spread to their perspective positions and ready themselves for entering P2.
Phase 2
Phase 2 teams will be broken into 5 distinct groups each assigned to a specific function.
Group 1 ( Purple Diamond ) Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Avelade - Healing
Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Galorice - Healing
Group 3 ( Blue Square )
Catte - healing
Group 4 ( Red X )
Jelly - Healing
Group 5
Resto Shammy to be named later
Grp1-Grp4 If you notice there are 2 melee and 2 ranged in each group except Grp 2. Yoshi will be performing the other melee job in that group. Once P2 starts, melee will immediately destroy flails and the 2 ranged will start taking down the eye stalk to the right of your stack point with your healer. once the flail is down, melee will immediately go to the stalk directly behind the flail and kill it. When the ranged stalk is dead, help the melee kill their stalk. Once the last stalk is dead, all dps should go kill the claw closest to their stack point. Positioning for individual groups will be discussed and marked with raid markers prior to pull. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ADDS IN BLACK PHASE NEED TO BE BURST DOWN ASAP. DO NOT SPEND PRECIOUS DPS TIME MULTIDOTTING TY
Grp 5 is the tank group. Schlampe will be tanking Zonozz for the duration of the fight with Angry backing her up and tanking the other claw in P2. For positioning for the boss going Back into P1, Schlampe will be tanking the south Claw with Zonozz and Angry will be on the North claw. Luckyu has the unique privilege of staying with Schlampe the whole fight. Bodhi and the Resto Shammy to be named later will be charged with keeping this group alive and which healer will split off to take care of Angry is up for discussion. I am inclined to send Bodhi with grp 2 to assist healing there as well as keeping Angry alive.
Raid Cd's will be used entering every black phase.
P2,1- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P2,2- Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,3- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,4- All raid cd's will be popped to keep people alive..This will be a burn phase if our dps is a bit low and we ar tight to the enrage timer.
Please keep in mind for those that have not done progression on this boss. Do not get discouraged if you see the boss has higher helath than you would expect at a wipe. Damage does not ramp up significantly in this fight until after the 2nd black phase.
Positioning the boss in the center of the pool where he stands will ensure dps and healers have equal distance to reach their positions going into black phase.
25 man Zonozz Vid DK Tank POV
Phase 1
Phase 1 will see the raid stacking on the bosses behind except for Yoshi, who will be off to the side but not in front of the boss and still in range to split ball damage. We will be doing a 9/9/9/1 . We will have 5 people with death immunities out solo soaking balls rotating from a single position. Those 5 in order are Lygophobia, Inrithu, Eviel, Cazidin, Nambert. Resto shammy to be named later will also be out with the group healing and dispelling if we get the debuff. I will be taking last ball and coordinating timing between my bounce, the ball hitting the boss, and the debuff for corrupting shadows. I will do my best to keep the corrupting shadows debuff to a minimal time while entering P2. Upon the ball hitting the raid stack on the 8th bounce, raid will spread to their perspective positions and ready themselves for entering P2.
Phase 2
Phase 2 teams will be broken into 5 distinct groups each assigned to a specific function.
Group 1 ( Purple Diamond ) Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Avelade - Healing
Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Galorice - Healing
Group 3 ( Blue Square )
Catte - healing
Group 4 ( Red X )
Jelly - Healing
Group 5
Resto Shammy to be named later
Grp1-Grp4 If you notice there are 2 melee and 2 ranged in each group except Grp 2. Yoshi will be performing the other melee job in that group. Once P2 starts, melee will immediately destroy flails and the 2 ranged will start taking down the eye stalk to the right of your stack point with your healer. once the flail is down, melee will immediately go to the stalk directly behind the flail and kill it. When the ranged stalk is dead, help the melee kill their stalk. Once the last stalk is dead, all dps should go kill the claw closest to their stack point. Positioning for individual groups will be discussed and marked with raid markers prior to pull. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ADDS IN BLACK PHASE NEED TO BE BURST DOWN ASAP. DO NOT SPEND PRECIOUS DPS TIME MULTIDOTTING TY
Grp 5 is the tank group. Schlampe will be tanking Zonozz for the duration of the fight with Angry backing her up and tanking the other claw in P2. For positioning for the boss going Back into P1, Schlampe will be tanking the south Claw with Zonozz and Angry will be on the North claw. Luckyu has the unique privilege of staying with Schlampe the whole fight. Bodhi and the Resto Shammy to be named later will be charged with keeping this group alive and which healer will split off to take care of Angry is up for discussion. I am inclined to send Bodhi with grp 2 to assist healing there as well as keeping Angry alive.
Raid Cd's will be used entering every black phase.
P2,1- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P2,2- Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,3- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,4- All raid cd's will be popped to keep people alive..This will be a burn phase if our dps is a bit low and we ar tight to the enrage timer.
Please keep in mind for those that have not done progression on this boss. Do not get discouraged if you see the boss has higher helath than you would expect at a wipe. Damage does not ramp up significantly in this fight until after the 2nd black phase.
Weeellll now
"Everyone uses that “Well it’s clearly marked”, you don’t have to read it
y’know no one is forcing you to read my topic about how I bang my
little ponies! Well lets try and use this is the real world, there’s a
sign and someone’s chest that says “Fuck you kids, Fuck you Jesus, Fuck
you science, and fuck you humanity!” There are kids around, small ones,
ones that some people don’t like to expose to curse words at an early
age, wearing the sign isn’t against the law just as these topics aren’t
against the tos. Yet someone will probably ask you to take it
off, because well, it’s just not proper. Sure you don’t have to look at
it, but that doesn’t disregard the fact that it’s still there
and offensive. Same with bullying in schools, you don’t have to look at
someone beating up someone else, it’s clearly marked, but stopping it is
the right thing to do. Honestly stop using these excuses to justify
something that shouldn’t be on a petsite, regardless if it’s for older
users or not. If you want to talk about weird things like how you wipe
yourself after using the restroom, then by all means go to a weird site.
If you want to talk about your lovely
(probably nonexistent) sex-life then by all means go to a porn site, or a
site that deals with that. Aywas is designed really for pets, and
designs, and art discussions, not all that other shit. So honestly
people when you use that lame excuse, I won’t
even acknowledge your existence. Another fun fact! I did some digging
and apparently a huge percent of aywas players are over-weight. That’s
not necessarily a bad thing, but just think of that next time you’re
reading a sex-thread. ;)"
The sex thread has been the most knowledgeable thing I've ever read, even if it has been strewn with things I'd normally plug my ears and go LALALALALANOTLISTENING about. You, siram, are an asshole. The biggest asshole to date. :3 Grats! Apparently over-weight people can't enjoy sex. Well! I am pudgy and I enjoy it just fine kthx! ^-^ It's great! GUESS WHAT AYWAS! ZEBBY OWNS A DILDO! THE MUTHRFUCKIN HORROR!
The sex thread has been the most knowledgeable thing I've ever read, even if it has been strewn with things I'd normally plug my ears and go LALALALALANOTLISTENING about. You, siram, are an asshole. The biggest asshole to date. :3 Grats! Apparently over-weight people can't enjoy sex. Well! I am pudgy and I enjoy it just fine kthx! ^-^ It's great! GUESS WHAT AYWAS! ZEBBY OWNS A DILDO! THE MUTHRFUCKIN HORROR!
"When I think of Vespa, I think of FLCL for some reason.
Then Vespiqueen, then Beequeen (the japanese name) Then honey, whinnie the pooh, piglet, baby pigs, my boyfriend, cakes, portal 2, Portals, Cave johnson, the past, time, time lord, Doctor Who, Daleks, nightmares, my cat...
D: I have A.D.D.... "
-insert much laughing and pop spewing out nose here- XD Thanks Shadow Rose
Then Vespiqueen, then Beequeen (the japanese name) Then honey, whinnie the pooh, piglet, baby pigs, my boyfriend, cakes, portal 2, Portals, Cave johnson, the past, time, time lord, Doctor Who, Daleks, nightmares, my cat...
D: I have A.D.D.... "
-insert much laughing and pop spewing out nose here- XD Thanks Shadow Rose
I hadn't even noticed
Really, I just saw the new pet and went "/shrug Meh." To me, it's just another creature. Not even one I like, I mean, I REALLY hate bugs. My point? The Vespa inspired this:
Okay, let me start by saying, I love aywas. Out of all the sites
I have and currently play, this is my favorite by FAR. Why is that?
Because of the art. I am an artist, and a place like this allows people
to express themselves amd things they like via custom pets. EPIC.
However, none of it would be possible without the site artists, period. They provide us with a beautiful canvas to start with, the PSDs that they create. Until the vespa. What the hell were they thinking? What was the artist thinking? What was the admin who approved that design thinking?? It is, to say the least, subpar to all the other species on the site. I can't believe something like that would EVER be displayed here. I hate absolutely everything about it. It's supposed to be a moth wasp? WHAT MOTH OR WASP HAVE THESE PEOPLE BEEN LOOKING AT?? And as a further slap in the face, it's incredibly expensive. I am wholeheartily for making pets rare and/or expensive. The quol, finn, xoac, hybrids, what do these thungs have in common? Expensive! Rare! And they are either cute, pretty, defined, adorable... Lots of good things. The vespa is NONE OF THOSE THINGS. I am by no means the best artist here or even CLOSE, but here are some edits I made to the vespa. It took me about 5 minutes and I used google to see what the fuck a wasp looked like SINCE I HAVE NEVER DRAWN AN INSECT BEFORE. Notice how the wings actually look like moth wings? Not giant chunky black blobs of whateverthefuck? The legs arent plastered on just anywhere, arbitrarily? There are so many AMAZING TALENTED people here. And before now, I've never been insulted by a pet just becuase it exsists. It really just boggles my mind how THAT became a species. My heart breaks for all the people who would have wanted to do this and would have poured their love into it, and for the artist, who clearly didn't. I don't blame them. I guess I don't blame anyone. And this is absolutely not directed at the artist, as I'm sure they have made many beautiful pieces, this is not one of them. But if you're going to do something, dammit, do it right. Just... Why? I absolutely expect to get flamed for this, but I had to say it. It's not rude, it's blunt honesty, and I'm not sorry. I really expected more from aywas. Edit: and for the people who are going to say IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T GET ONE. That's obvious, but that isn't the point of a rant. Edit 2: and I know most of the species here are anatomically exaggerated, but this one just seems lazy."
Goddamn it I hate Blogger and it's inability to change back to normal font. FINE I WILL LEAVE IT BLUE. Anyway, just posting the OP here in case it's deleted but.. really?
Grow up peoples. They be pixels. Didn't we have enough of this when we were whining about melos and orimis?
Monday, May 7, 2012
New Comic
This is a really amusing comic I found, but uh, it has many phallus things in it.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Fluffy's Derps
Really dear, these ponies are weird.
Y'all should visit this poll.
Y'all should visit this poll.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Gabby Gabby Gabby
Well deary, because I'm not a coward. :) I'm many things, including a bitch, but I am not a coward. Thanks for the screeny ^^
2 things
So, first I wanted to know if anyone had any screenshots of the latest Gabby thing. :) It sounds extra fun to read and I MISSED it. Curses.
The second thing is.. this.. I found and I'm not sure why it got me going WTF, it just did:
"i also hope that his tormentors are brought to justice, but be careful not to see it as revenge - that will poison his memory in you. his vindication will be in insuring that no one else, and no other families, are forced to go through this pain at their hands.
i have made a place for him and you on my altar and am giving his spirit sage and pollen to comfort him and guide his bright spirit's path to the AllBeing...i wish the living to be comforted as well. above all, let this tragedy bring you together - do not let blame and might-have-dones drive you apart when you need one another most."
The second thing is.. this.. I found and I'm not sure why it got me going WTF, it just did:
"i also hope that his tormentors are brought to justice, but be careful not to see it as revenge - that will poison his memory in you. his vindication will be in insuring that no one else, and no other families, are forced to go through this pain at their hands.
i have made a place for him and you on my altar and am giving his spirit sage and pollen to comfort him and guide his bright spirit's path to the AllBeing...i wish the living to be comforted as well. above all, let this tragedy bring you together - do not let blame and might-have-dones drive you apart when you need one another most."
Friday, May 4, 2012
Domestic Ninja
Have you ever snuck around your own home even though no one was there? Humming a theme song? Tip-toeing? I did that this morning. It was awesome.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Huh... it's amazing...
Sweety, I shouldn't be finding these things when I'm reading confessions. If you have something to say you are quite welcome to say it to my face. But yeah, so, because I'm a troll on aywas you apparently know everything about me eh? Including how I act on other sites? Irl? ^-^ Oh that's fantaaastic deary. Why don't you tell me more about myself off aywas? It's so interesting to hear!
“I don’t like being called a horrible person that feeds off the misery of others. Hell, I know I’m not. I’m too damn nice for my own good. But it’s when I’m not nice, when I get skeptical and upset that I get called a bitch. I’m not allowed to be anything but sugary sweet.”
Nice my ass."
Sweety, I shouldn't be finding these things when I'm reading confessions. If you have something to say you are quite welcome to say it to my face. But yeah, so, because I'm a troll on aywas you apparently know everything about me eh? Including how I act on other sites? Irl? ^-^ Oh that's fantaaastic deary. Why don't you tell me more about myself off aywas? It's so interesting to hear!
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