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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Zon'ozz 25m Heroic Strat

(This has nothing to do with aywas, its just up so a friend can read it.)

Positioning the boss in the center of the pool where he stands will ensure dps and healers have equal distance to reach their positions going into black phase.

25 man Zonozz Vid DK Tank POV

Phase 1

Phase 1 will see the raid stacking on the bosses behind except for Yoshi, who will be off to the side but not in front of the boss and still in range to split ball damage. We will be doing a 9/9/9/1 . We will have 5 people with death immunities out solo soaking balls rotating from a single position. Those 5 in order are Lygophobia, Inrithu, Eviel, Cazidin, Nambert. Resto shammy to be named later will also be out with the group healing and dispelling if we get the debuff. I will be taking last ball and coordinating timing between my bounce, the ball hitting the boss, and the debuff for corrupting shadows. I will do my best to keep the corrupting shadows debuff to a minimal time while entering P2. Upon the ball hitting the raid stack on the 8th bounce, raid will spread to their perspective positions and ready themselves for entering P2.

Phase 2

Phase 2 teams will be broken into 5 distinct groups each assigned to a specific function.

Group 1 ( Purple Diamond ) Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Avelade - Healing

Group 2 ( Yellow Star )
Galorice - Healing

Group 3 ( Blue Square )
Catte - healing

Group 4 ( Red X )
Jelly - Healing

Group 5
Resto Shammy to be named later

Grp1-Grp4 If you notice there are 2 melee and 2 ranged in each group except Grp 2. Yoshi will be performing the other melee job in that group. Once P2 starts, melee will immediately destroy flails and the 2 ranged will start taking down the eye stalk to the right of your stack point with your healer. once the flail is down, melee will immediately go to the stalk directly behind the flail and kill it. When the ranged stalk is dead, help the melee kill their stalk. Once the last stalk is dead, all dps should go kill the claw closest to their stack point. Positioning for individual groups will be discussed and marked with raid markers prior to pull. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ADDS IN BLACK PHASE NEED TO BE BURST DOWN ASAP. DO NOT SPEND PRECIOUS DPS TIME MULTIDOTTING TY

Grp 5 is the tank group. Schlampe will be tanking Zonozz for the duration of the fight with Angry backing her up and tanking the other claw in P2. For positioning for the boss going Back into P1, Schlampe will be tanking the south Claw with Zonozz and Angry will be on the North claw. Luckyu has the unique privilege of staying with Schlampe the whole fight. Bodhi and the Resto Shammy to be named later will be charged with keeping this group alive and which healer will split off to take care of Angry is up for discussion. I am inclined to send Bodhi with grp 2 to assist healing there as well as keeping Angry alive.

Raid Cd's will be used entering every black phase.
P2,1- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P2,2- Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,3- Angry's Shield Wall followed by Schlampe's Vampiric Blood
P3,4- All raid cd's will be popped to keep people alive..This will be a burn phase if our dps is a bit low and we ar tight to the enrage timer.

Please keep in mind for those that have not done progression on this boss. Do not get discouraged if you see the boss has higher helath than you would expect at a wipe. Damage does not ramp up significantly in this fight until after the 2nd black phase.

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