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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Derp Drama

"Brb sobbing forever.

No more predicts for Derp coins. I was hoping they'd just remove the BP for submitting Derp predicts, but instead my favorite coin is dead. And there goes my breeding project.

I'm thrilled the predict system is getting some very needed changes, but fuck. Now most of my reason for being premium is gone. Aughhhhh."

Hey Taxel.. You mad?

I mean really, if derp predicts are the only thing you can do then frankly, you aren't a great artist so boo hoo. Then I see this:

" I didn't have to know calculus to figure out how to do a freakin' pixel animal."

If you think making predicts requires calculus then you are fairly stupid. o.o


DooblyDoo said...

But, but, now I can't cheat the system and make cheap beautiful babies and trick people to buy them when they're not breedable D:

Seriously that's the only reason everyone is upset =A= I love the derp coin, but I love it for its derpiness, not whether or not it comes out pretty. If a derp comes out pretty, then that's just a bonus.

And why does the inability to submit predicts automatically mean ugly babies? The artist is going to go through the same process with the babies as a normal person would. So unless these people were trying to break the rules...they should get about the same result from the artist.

Kitty said...

Oh noes, Taxel is displeased.


DooblyDoo said...

Read the latest post Phoenix posted. lmao.