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Friday, May 11, 2012

Queen Chrysalis (#1507)

To The Stage (#463) Posted
I'd like to hear your reason against gay marriage other than "I find it gross". Don't use the bible either, because might I add they keep changing the testaments to go by and such.....

Use a legitimate reason and not some bias reason.

Well, for what I learned in my Courtship and Marriage class last year, MxM has a chance of causing AIDS. (Which is why those who are in a MxM relationship can't give blood. At least according to the list of 'if you have done this/had this happen/etc. you are not eligible to donate blood' that I had to read through last time I gave blood.)

That's two reasons for not having MxM. FxF well I don't have any real reason at the moment that I can think of.
Well LOOK OUT PEOPLE! Homosexuality causes AIDs.
Dear God, the moronic plague is leaking out of this user's ears. 


TheRollingTire said...

She must have watched that crazy Nebraska Lady video and believe all the words she said. That's where she is learning all of this.

Next thing you know she'll be saying that gays kill their partners when they are done with them while wives are not slaves to the men in their marriages.

DooblyDoo said...
