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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Wow, that orimi caused a stir up now didn't it? Both sides going RAWRRAEG... :| Geez and I've seen a lot of them say they hate extremists. Then the big kerfuffle over the 'Should this be 70% or Majority?' Well guess what, those that wanted to redraw voted majority and those against it voted 70%... Why is this? Only 5% of the users wanted that damn orimi to stay its constipated/preggers self. If it was 70% we'd get no change at all. At least with majority y'all get change, be it just a fixed up version or the redraw.

The llamas are very, very well fed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


*stares at release dates* March cannot get here FAST ENOUGH! ARGH!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dember Update and other stuff

Ok ok, I've been slacking. :| What can I say? I get bored! OK BORED! And this doesn't interest me.

Personally, I would never trust the site artists with my breedings again. I've gotten so many poor-quality ones, I've truly lost faith in them-- /especially/ now that the "Breeding Mistakes" thread has been locked for months. Even if you have tons of errors in your site-bred pets, not only are you incapable of asking for them to be fixed, you can't even Dawn Crystal them yourselves, because its not allowed. It's ridiculous. .__. So..I pray you never risk ruining good pets by allowing the site artists to design the offspring. Aside from that, I think if you want to make a lot of money, buying two SCCs to Metal-Coin-breed together could get you about 40 - 50 GP each offspring, perhaps more. o3o; I'd suggest using a wide color range and varying markings on both parents, so you can have a wide variety of colors and markings on the offspring as well.

To the contrary, I think these 175 - 250k prices are just fricking /insane/. Until BP becomes drastically easier to get, such as games that actually give you a halfway decent payout to make them worth playing at all, I'm not ever paying more than 150k at the very most for GP, and even that's about one and a half times too much. The people I buy GP from have also been around here for a long time-- one of which signed up weeks before me, even, and they agree with me on this matter. No offense, but if you just want to argue with me about my prices, why even post here? If you don't like what I prefer to pay, don't sell to me. It's not rocket science. edit: Also, if you haven't noticed the constantly changing numbers in this advertisement, I obviously don't have any trouble buying it at this price. xD 
Hmmm, not too much to report on today. She hasn't posted all too much since my last report. I'm guessing she's keeping things to private chats now.

On a non-dember note, has anyone else been wondering about the 'vague' minirants. :\ They are realllyyy getting annoying and promoting an excessive amount of site hostility. And damnit some of them make me curious. :P

:c and I hate reading Moo's posts sometimes. (I'm not looking up the ID. It's the 'MOO' user.) So many of her posts are about her ex husband. While I understand that hurt her... her daughter is on aywas. Does she know that reading some of the stuff she posts would hurt her daughter? I don't know... just... I'm glad my own mother is nicer than that.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Aywas Economy

Wow did it ever take a dive. Kind of hard to sell stuff right now x-x Maybe having a EPIC SALE right after the scav hunt was a bad idea Slash >=[ *whacks whacks* Bad tomato.

On a happy note, does anyone else adore the two newest features? The GP addition in the shop search and that spiffy welcome page? I love them ^_^