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Monday, July 30, 2012


Examples of her dumb-assery... read this:

And look at Dicklickdip's reply:

"And thus you chase away your last irl friend. Lol. Enjoy."

SERIOUSLY? x-x WHY did you think this chick was even remotely a good person?

Not So Surprising Rant

Think we'll get the old Michi back now? I hope so.

Frankly hun, NO ONE liked Void :| No one. She was horribly mean.

"As per popular request I have pulled all resources from and will be moving on. Good luck and have fun, old friends and enemies. =]


Nice pity party bitch ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2012


There's the topic this is all stemming from. ... Just.. I have to sigh at this. I disagreed with the original post for it wasn't a rant so much as it looked like a debate to me. I LOVED the mature, well-thought-out responses it generated.

X_X Then, then Ash posted.


>=[ Argh, comic on my lookup. COMIC. RIGHT HERE.

Arguing, not debating. And arguing stupidly. BAD ASH BAD WHACKWHACKWHACK

Friday, July 27, 2012

New Dude

We've got another social justice sally.. wait.. Hmm.. Sally in guy-name form? I can't figure one out for that. Tell me one in comments, go go.

Righto, THIS GUY.


:D I found a new stalkee!

His posts amuse me to no end, though I guess I need entertainment seeing as I'm stuck here. (Boyfrand is behind me going "Wwwhhhyyyy" because I'm ignoring him for this post. Le Haha.)

Anyone, this Flo fellow. (I love the shortened version ;n; I can't help thinking of the Progressive lady with a top hat and a pedostache.)

I've discovered that this guy LOVES to use large, unnecessary words to make himself seem important. (You know how some dumbasses will refer to themselves as "Point of Sales System Operators" ... when they're cashiers? Yeah. That's the type.) And it's not just directed at me so don't assume I'm biased. This is drama gold.

Just.. go read his posts.. You'll see.

I have a feeling him and FireFalcon would get along GREAT. Just because, they have a similar way of arguing. Though I'd rather debate with FireFalcon... he seems less.. what is the word... Oh right, Emo.

(Though, can't lie, FF has calmed quite a bit since he first ran into Aywas screaming and flailing giant torches of wrath and opinion.)

"Any kid that isn't begging for survival in the streets is quite 'privileged'. Just about every kid that is 'privileged' will usually end up with more than they actually NEED to be happy or at least content. Is that not how being 'spoilt' works?" PERFECT EXAMPLE OF DOUCHINESS :D

"I just can't stand human company most of the time and generally dislike humans as a species." Yet he's on the forums SO MUCH.

"I understand that. Most people do not condone unnecessary killing, claiming to be moral beings. But I rarely see humans eat the cockroach they killed, without even any provocation by the cockroach. In fact, the cockroach goes out of its way to avoid humans. Compared to the cockroaches, the coyote seems to be more valued and fortunate. I'm sure the coyote is very tempted by the displays set up by humans. Approaching livestock to the coyote is much like window shopping for food, where the potential cost of entering the shop is its own life. Clearly, it is the coyotes own fault for approaching the incredibly misleading food that has been placed on display by humans. The coyote are lured by an appetite that has its survival in balance. When the temptation of livestock gets to the coyote, they will approach, and then potentially get killed because the life of coyotes seems to be worth far less than the profits reaped by selling of the surviving livestock. Silly coyotes, they just don't realise how much profit means to humans and that humans have claimed the rights to what lives and dies. I would have laughed for a good half an hour or so if the original picture had the husky (that somehow knew how to work the camera) standing on top of the dead idiot, with teeth and claws representing the rifle instead."

Oh my goodness I hadn't seen this when I started writing this post. PETA has claimed this male for their own! He will soon be running naked down the streets screaming about fur.

"Earlier, people claimed that they had no life. Whatever. You come nowhere close to how lifeless I am. I impersonate a silly fictional character (Florence) almost full-time and I neglect family/friends/partner in order to play video games (and even children's card games)."

You have more of a life than me. ... *wipes a tear* I'm going to die of laughter. Tell me sir, do you have raccoon tails in your hair?  Or do you not understand the many, many people who are worse than you and how completely judgmental you sound with every post you type? :D No? I can't wait til reality bites you in the ass.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Filters do not automatically make a custom good.
Lack of filter usage does not automatically make a custom bad.
I have photoshop. I can use filters. It’s not that hard. But when filters make a pet look cluttered and people are still pissing themselves over them, it really chaps my nipples.
To me, giving a pet character is worth so much more than giving them hyper-realistic fur. Why don’t people appreciate that?"

.... "chaps my nipples" .... /snicker

 "I feel breeding quality has recently gone downhill. I know the breeding team is awesome, and the chances of getting an artist that will knock your socks off are decent, but… I’ve just been so disappointed with so many of the breedings I’ve gotten back recently. Sometimes I want to question if an artist is just lazy, or if they’re blind, or what - because the quality of some of my babies is beyond unacceptable. Unfortunately quality control is not counted on the mistakes thread, so I have no choice but to either sell or replace the babies myself. It seems I’ll be making predicts from now on; I understand it’s always a gamble but I’m fed up with disappointment."

:| After seeing some babies my kyres produced I reluctantly agree. Pixelly shit. They HAD the psds for those, they were site-bred babies. Besides the fact I had a FANTASTIC artist put two lovely babies out even though I had no psds for the parents. The quality of these latest kyres was utter CRAP.

Oh and to the people jumping to defend the breeding team, 1) I was around when aywas first started ish. 2) I got a baby I hated but it still wasn't the shitty quality thats being pumped out now. I'm not ok with waiting MONTHS and still getting shitty pixelly done CRAP.

Oh and here is a confession of my own: I ACTUALLY LIKE THE FLUFFY FAT NEW HYBRIDS OF CUTE.