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Friday, August 27, 2010


Why does everything go wrong at once? Huh? It seems something is conspiring to make me kill myself before I turn 20.

At this rate, if I survive to be 20 years old I better become a fucking superhero damnit. SUPERHERO WITH SUPERHERO POWERS. >=[ I mean it.

1) Stepjerk IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE! I hope he chokes on his own FAT! Seriously? Him and mom fight and I always am the one getting hurt because of it. Most recent example? Spraining my front arm because, while they were fighting in the back of the house, I told Katie to 'Stop it and go in the corner.' Yeah, after she'd thrown stuff all fucking over. Telling her to go in the corner resulted in bruises and 'DON'T YOU TALK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT! YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!' Prick.

2) My mother is a self-important bitch. She is often illogical and ALWAYS has to be right. If she's proving wrong 'OMG QUIT CHEWING ON ME WAAAHHH'. She is almost always constantly yelling. She bitches about 'being up all night with AJ' but MULTIPLE times she has NOT. She's been on the computer or watching tv or sleeping. She's a lying cunt that just wants to be lazy and sleep all day.She's only nice to me once in awhile so she can use it for blackmail. BLACKMAIL.

3) Deanna. Stupid little childish bitch that mother favors. She does FUCK ALL for chores and whines if anyone tells her anything. Poor little bitchy emo baby. GROW UP. She can't be trusted to babysit Katie and she's 16! She can't even talk on a phone right without sounding like she's spitting, yelling, and being rude. She leaves her nasty, bloody pads all over. She dug her poop out of her ass with her fingers. She NEVER washes her hair. She is GROSS. She picks at her pimples and eats the fucking puss. She is NASTY and IMMATURE. She still plays with Barbies. I hope to god she never BREEDS!

4) -EDITTED OUT- D: Geez that was close!

5) I do not WANT to go to the States because Canada has a far better system but damnit... I have to. I love Montana's environment, I love my grandparents, I can't stay here in an abusive home, and if I stay in Canada I'll probably never go to school. This way I'll be able to. I will likely go into programming because, well, computers. Computers are cool.

6) Tuffy, why must you wake me up early, and scratch the wall to bits, and get me yelled at?

7) 'Friends'. :| The only one TALKING to me is Kieran. I WANTED to go swimming with Hilary this summer, guess what? SUMMER IS OVER. She's going back to school and we didn't go swimming once. Fuuucckkk.....

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