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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am Number Four and Dancing

Bored so you get to read all my movie bitchingness.

1) Whhhyyy did they put the cliche 'walking calmly away from an explosion' in this?

2) Many powers, can't use them? *twitch* You KNOW he will..

3) That dog was a gecko. Geckog.

4) Yeah, thought he'd use them. Annnddd now he's running away.

5) Please don't jump.

6) Oh ok, not just jump. FLIP AND JUMP.

7) Showoff.

8) That is one fucking fast Dogecko.

9) That ish a big monster.

10) Wait, alien from another world falling in love with a Reporter-type. Um..... Doesn't that sound familiar?

11) Bullshit you two are under 18. Lies! LIES LIKE CAKE!

12) I admit, he is sexy. I won't kid about that.

13) Poor smallish human. He needs a hug.

14) Yeah, that's safe and INVISIBLE. I freakin expect you to die. You stupid male.

15) AND you've missed THREE calls from him! If he comes looking for you, it's your own damn fault. I'm waiting for it to happen.

16) Why would he 'miss' having a human family? HE AIN'T HUMAN.

17) Snoop, put her journal down. Stop that. Bad snoop. *whacks*

18) Yupp, there's the bad  guy- wait no, that's the nerd. EH! WHAT?

19) Thankyou for sticking up for the nerd. Hey, wait, no, you should have hit him.HEY! ... Oh, glowy hands. Alright, that's a good excuse.

20) :C They ruined poor nerdlets picture. Damnit, I WILL HIT THEM.

21) .. Nerdlet's Dad was preparing for aliens. That's not unexpected.

22) Now... wait.. who.... Is that main guy or protector? ... Protector. Wtf is he doing.

23) Suspenseful music. OH Shiny Rock!

24) *snerk* Evil alien has a sense of humor.

25) Damn he is good looking. I betcha five bucks he's got an ego the size of Jupiter irl.

26) That town has a creepy fair. And.... ew, haunted hay ride? Damn good special effects for a tiny town haunted thing.

27) Oh, glowy night vision. Wonder who that is. "Your number's up" Oh thhhaaaatttssss not OBVIOUS!


29) Oh dear, glowy hands. Ow. Ow. Ow.... wow that guy is totally dead.

30) Mark BETTER be dead. Fucking creep. Future rapist fucking creep. ... oh.. hey... a villain to hate.

31) SHE'S a problem for him? Moron.

32) Go ahead, break it, he deserves it. (wait, is that violent of me? Damnit.)

33) Oh, nerdlet caught the glowy hands.

34) You'll be leaving again? Yes. Yes he will!

35) "All I think about is you." You met her YESTERDAY. CREEPY! Very. Very. Creepy! .... And I really want her parents to catch you- Aha, flicking the lights. That is hilarious. Kudos to ze cool parents.

36) ... Eep, broke a light! CAREFUl, stupid male. xD

37) ... Oh hey, NOW you're doing it on purpose. Vandal.

38) REALLY nerd thing? Threaten a super powerful alien. Brilliance.

39) "My entire childhood has been an episode of X-files." Dramatic. Lovely.

40) You are so lucky the alien is nice.

41) His stepfather is an asshole. Lovely. Have there ever been nice step-parents? Ever?

42) Wait, his father disappeared... near Mexico's border? Uuummmmm......

43) Sheriff's kid is the asshole. Lovely.

44) *snerks* That's a bad lie. I love corrupt policemen. They make everything so hilarious.

45) Your protector is RIGHT. Listen to him!

46) I like the protector. AND YOU JUST HURT HIM! I hope he KICKS YOUR PATHETIC KID ASS.

47) Good Warrior. I like you.

48) Too bad he dies, I bet you 5 bucks he dies.

49) "She's not just a girl." Bull. shit.

50) Oh, great. Perfect. -Forever.-

51) "That's more than the rest of us had." :C awwww...... Poor Warrior.

 52) Badass girl is a badass.

53) Where's Henry? :C

54) Oh thaaattssss a trap.

55) Why can't superalien drive?

56) :C If Henry Warrior is dead I will be severely upset.

57) A gun? Useful. Let him help. (We all know he won't listen to the 'go home.')

58) Yeah, he didn't listen.

59) Dude, they didn't take your dad. He is soooooooo dead.

60) Or he was the first and your his kid. Wouldn't that be something?

61) Lord forbid you use a flashlight to TRY to look normal.

62) That guy that drove away looked like the sheriff.

63) Ripped your sweater? Oh I bet that becomes a plot point.

64) Ow. That guy is a mooorrrooonnn.

65) Malcolm's kid? Yeah, that so.

66) Oooowwwwwwwwwww. Red fireness.

67) Go Warrior! Go!

68) :C No... no.. noo.... Don't die. Woooot! Gun!

69) .... no..... He got stabbed.....

70) Oh, Malcolm was just helping. Uh, ok.

71) :C No, not the cool warrior dude. .... I won five bucks but... aw.

72) *giggles* I can totally see this guy dying. .. Oooohh... oooww... That is a bad way to die.

73) The sheriff. Of COURSE. Typical.

74) ... GOING BACK? You nut.

75) He doesn't listen very well.

76) Ok, Why exactly would she be at that party? .... And you are a moron for going. They ALL know dude.

77) Doggy. Smart Doggy. Geckog.

78) Police, lovely. That sheriff is an ASSHOLE. What a corrupt son of a bitch.

79) :) Hahahahahahaha. The assholes get whats coming to them.

80) I have no sympathy. It's sad.

-insert zebby's computer dying-

Ok, well, all said and done, I liked the movie. Or.. well.. the concept. Can I have a dog like that please?

Just finished watching Dancing With The Stars, or well, watching Maks. Have you seen that guy? Handsome, has an accent, and can dance! Mmm Mmm Mmm! I will not lie, his hiney was distracting me for that entire episode.

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