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Monday, May 17, 2010


I've been selling things like MAD. xD

Here's an updated list of what I'm have. The colors are what I'm aiming for, the petpets are just.. there:
Arialneoneo= Tyrannian/Royal/Faerie petpet-white stego
zantisneo- DONE -petpet- plushie angelpuss
Slot Open for Trade
Liuzsa- ZAPPING - petpet- none

Alicia_May=baby -petpet- Scado
eve212313=fire -petpet- feepit
xo_smurf_ox= lost desert -petpet-snorkle
Giorn- DONE -none-

Elogium- Faerie -petpet- snorkle
Henreptia- Maraquan -petpet- snorkle
Shmoebby- Halloween -petpet- fire snorkle
Zebabunny- Faerie -petpet- none

Costomb- Island -petpet-none
Dinjal- Doneish, Turn Male -petpet- ghost grackle bug
Kvaet- DONE -petpet- robot buzzer
Dolphanes- DONE -petpet- snorkle


Lemondelight said...

I have a ton of neopets stuff, though only like a quarter of it is actually valuable xD I think I have a paintbrush or something...I wish I remembered my pw/log in name so I could send it to you. Then at least someone would get some good use out of it :P

Zebby said...

Well thankyou for the thought. :) *scurries into den*