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Friday, January 7, 2011

Didja miss the Dember reports?

Well I have a small few!

I figure the ones that follow that part of my blog would like to see THIS FIRST THING IN THE MORNING! ohohoh:

1) (under user comments)

Hey! She admitted something was her own fault! :D Amazing! But the small report here is: Aaaww the pumpkin sales weren't good enough for her this year. ;n; (Too bad for her, the majority loved the evil breeding coins!)

2) Did I post this already? Eh, I'm not going to go look!
Yeah, that utter MORON Doragon gets Dember's support! It's under user comments again:
"No problem. It gets kind of embarrassing when the staff can't even stand to hear any form of criticism about an error they made on their site. When you have ten thousand people playing, you kind of have to think of the users, not just go "I don't like what I'm hearing, so I will lock this thread and hope everyone else frowns upon the creator of it." It just makes /them/ look immature when they do things like that, whether the community of asskissers agrees or not (it's like they all hope to be showered in expensive gifts from the staff if they worship them to their face). I agree with you one hundred percent."

3) This thread starts off great eh? 'never intentionally rude'? BULLSHIT! xD

-"Congrats. I don't know anything about Rage, but I used to like Aetheria, before she became a ~staff member~. Now, not so much. " >=[ Horse lady is awesome. Becoming one of the 'hated' authority doesn't change that.

-She also states here that her dog is a husky/wolf hybrid. Now she's in California.. And guess what?
Wolves and first generation hybrids are restricted from possession. Yeah. In California. 

4) "I'm also not a huge fan of MCC pets bred with edited customs, namely because of the stupid breeding thing that one offspring at least has to have few to no edits as well, but...aside from that.."
Aw, she doesn't like the predict rules that say 'no unfair edits'. The horror. 
"Sorry you're all so disappointed you can't rip off one of the only decent BC offspring artists on the site. Go make a rant thread or something and stop spamming her thread, it's closed already, just accept it."
Well guess what, that 'rare decent' BC offspring artist was very close to breaking the ToS. 'Tipping' shouldn't be mandatory and it's not even allowed! And this was insulting 4+ people... how is she still not banned?

"Don't feel bad, love. I've been banned for three before because people are jerks. c:" Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that you were being a cunt. again.

You can read the whole conversation she had with Aeth on the last page too. That was... not as bad as it could have been. :\ But interestingly enough may have something to do with 3!

Alright, I'm done for today. Now I need to run to make it to lunch. BYE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, so very public. XD