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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weeellll now

"Everyone uses that “Well it’s clearly marked”, you don’t have to read it y’know no one is forcing you to read my topic about how I bang my little ponies! Well lets try and use this is the real world, there’s a sign and someone’s chest that says “Fuck you kids, Fuck you Jesus, Fuck you science, and fuck you humanity!” There are kids around, small ones, ones that some people don’t like to expose to curse words at an early age, wearing the sign isn’t against the law just as these topics aren’t against the tos. Yet someone will probably ask you to take it off, because well, it’s just not proper. Sure you don’t have to look at it, but that doesn’t disregard the fact that it’s still there and offensive. Same with bullying in schools, you don’t have to look at someone beating up someone else, it’s clearly marked, but stopping it is the right thing to do. Honestly stop using these excuses to justify something that shouldn’t be on a petsite, regardless if it’s for older users or not. If you want to talk about weird things like how you wipe yourself after using the restroom, then by all means go to a weird site. If you want to talk about your lovely (probably nonexistent) sex-life then by all means go to a porn site, or a site that deals with that. Aywas is designed really for pets, and designs, and art discussions, not all that other shit. So honestly people when you use that lame excuse, I won’t even acknowledge your existence. Another fun fact! I did some digging and apparently a huge percent of aywas players are over-weight. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but just think of that next time you’re reading a sex-thread. ;)"

The sex thread has been the most knowledgeable thing I've ever read, even if it has been strewn with things I'd normally plug my ears and go LALALALALANOTLISTENING about. You, siram, are an asshole. The biggest asshole to date. :3 Grats! Apparently over-weight people can't enjoy sex. Well! I am pudgy and I enjoy it just fine kthx! ^-^ It's great! GUESS WHAT AYWAS! ZEBBY OWNS A DILDO! THE MUTHRFUCKIN HORROR!


DooblyDoo said...

..... /jelly/
I wish I had a dildo or vibrator or something ;A; I'm too modest to buy one or get my parents to get me one though. OTL

But yea, That guy/gal is a total tard. =A='' I think the word is... Shallow? -shrug-

Kitty said...

At least you could get one. :x
Sex toys are banned here.