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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Now, I don't mind this comic. It has the potential to be a great story. Sure I have a very TINY idea of what is going on, but heck, they're only a little bit into the story, right? And at least I know who the main characters are. What bothers me is the excessive amount of guest art comics things. :| Come on now, I'm not here to see these, I want to see the comic. And on TOP of the guest art? It updates... maybe once a week? Not even? I can see updating once a week if you are someone like... Oglaf They can make it work because each of their comics shimmers in the sun like a greased up california beach goer. If you only update once a week you have to make reading just one page WORTH something. A humorous comic can do that but when story type ones do it the readers tend to twitch a little.

Let's see, well, it seems to be about a mute noble girl and a prince on the run from.. something... we aren't quite sure yet. It has a medieval feel to it but since there are trains I'm going to up my history guessing to victorian/renaissance. There is obviously magic involved and some.. thing.. called a Seraphine chasing them that I REALLY want to see up close because it sounds badass. (If it isn't I will be sooo disappointed in this comic.)

All in all, not -bad- but not great. I suppose I really like the mute girl, I always have a soft spot for mute main characters.


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