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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quote of the Year

"Oh, I can be friendly if I want to be. Alas, in your case, wishing to be more intelligent does not make it so."

First person to tell me who said this gets a carrotfish.


Nihkolas said...

The Villain of the Week? God? Satin? Satan? OnSea (my captcha image)? You can't prove that one didn't ever say it. I WIN! ... Carrotfish = permission to practice magic in this anti-sorcery society, right? :D

Zebby said...

>_> I'd still like to know who you are. But NO! You are wrong. Very Wrong. Shame on you.

(Also if you are in an anti-sorcery society then just hop over to North America/UK. I have a feeling they'd love your magics.)

Kitty said...

Dember? :P

Zebby said...

Durr hurr. :| No.

You both suck and obviously need to play more video games. *HATES ON YOU BOTH*

Kitty said...

I kind of don't play video games. :P We dun have consoles.

*slobbers on a Zebby*

kmb007 said...

It sounds like something Morrigan from DA would say to Alistair :)

Zebby said...

*stabs kmb007 with a carrotfish* You win

kmb007 said...

Awesome :D I haven't played that game in a while. It's just sitting in my hard drive, and whenever I get on to play it, I get distracted by Aywas or some other site haha