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Monday, August 22, 2011

Lobster Alarm Clock 1

Right, Well, my friend is going to write a few things for the blog. :3 Ohoho. You may refer to this friend as the Lobster Alarm Clock (I came up with the pseudonym. It is awesome and can be shortened to LAC.) So here's the first one!

"People make insulting statements about Christianity and believers on here all the time, and it's perfectly normal, but as soon as anyone makes any insulting statement about, well, pretty much anything else? You have a flame war on your ass. It just makes me so furious to see the blatant hypocrisy that is the norm around here. Aywas holds itself up as this standard of tolerance and equality for all, but that apparently doesn't extend to the Christians (of all sects). I understand the resentment, as most of the userbase is from America, where you do see a lot of bible-thumping crazy "Christians", and a lot of people have had negative experiences with Christians. But that's absolutely no excuse to be so intolerant.

Someone makes a discussion about Christians threatening atheists, tons of respond to chime in their disgust. Someone made a discussion about the Christians in China being arrested, murdered, tortured, forced to ordain a prominent member of the Chinese Communist Party as a "bishop", persecuted, and having their organs forcibly harvested after having committed the "crime" of believing in a God the Communist Party doesn't want them to believe in, and only ONE person responds. One. To me, that's a statement all on it's own.

When it's Christians, people don't care. And yet when Christians dare to speak out about the injustices committed against fellow Christians, they get called intolerant, prejudiced, and biased. How is that fair?"

I have a feeling my friend is right. I mean, I read this before posting it and all I got out of it was "Harvesting Organs". Maybe that's just me...


Nihkolas said...

I'm sure you can search and find out the reasons in psychology.
There must be something about how people will ignore certain crimes as opposed to others.

And, I've never had the impression of Aywas being tolerant to all? Seriously, it's pretty noticeable that not everyone is tolerated. We are very intolerant to the ignorant. Is this truly acceptable? Probably not because it's still intolerance towards people. Don't assume "tolerance and equality for all" applies to anything. Anything where people are directly involved will definitely have a bias towards what the majority seems to think. In this case, I think it stems from seeing it all the time or how "close" it hits to home. Christians threatening atheists in America. "-GASP- I've seen/experienced this stuff on a small scale. CHRISTIANS ARE HORRIBLE PEOPLE." On the other hand, Christians being ... all that stuff in China (lots of detail means less to empathize with), people are all: "It's far away, has nothing to do with me. It's horrible, but I don't have anything to contribute"

However, notice how the topic you were referring to was merely not responded to. It was not deleted or locked because of the subject. That's tolerance. It isn't equality because the userbase is biased, but it is tolerance. The ones that become flame wars tend to get locked right? More so if they continue and get out of hand. But this is indicative of how Aywas as a site is not supportive of intolerance.

See if you can find an example of Atheists in America being excessively intolerant towards innocent Christians and see what responses happen. That would be a more direct comparison than stuff "so far away in some other Country that I don't really care about because it doesn't affect me". I'm sure there are a decent number of non-extremist Christians onsite. Whether they'll show up to "defend" themselves is another matter.

Zebby said...


Nihkolas said...

It's a wall of text!

Zebby said...

Yes. Damnit people. I have the attention span of a gnat! Quit confuzzling me!

tech said...

I saw the topic about stuff in china and didn't really have much to say besides "oh man that sure is awful wish people didn't persecute each other for their beliefs." But since current events is a debate/discussion forum...well, you know. I didn't have much to debate.

It seems like certain christians on aywas are really quick to call intolerance or rush in to defend christianity as a whole when people are discussing only the crazy parts. Yeah, we get it, you're not all horrible people. Being overly defensive about it just gets obnoxious.

Zebby said...

Emi- Thankyou for stating what was going through my mind awhile ago xD

Anonymous said...

Hi... I randomly found this blog through a friend, but I just wanted to say... it is so good to find someone who sees that imbalance there for tolerance.

I come from a Christian family, although I am myself not Christian. My parents are hard-working people who make sure to give others the love and respect they need, no matter what religion or beliefs they have. It is just so infuriating when so many people find it so easy to bash on Christians when not all Christians are Bible-thumping idiots...! You can find these mentalities everywhere, but nobody seems to care about it.

Thank you, for writing this. ;3; -flees back to anonymity-

Zebby said...

Aw I just found that above comment! *snugs anon*