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Friday, March 30, 2012

Well if she can do it..

.. so will I.

Let's see.. awhile ago I broke up with a girl. After a few moments of doubt a clincher came around and as it turns out I am not inclined towards girls at all. Sorry, I'm straight. No, she didn't take it well at all. Of course I cared about her, but by that point it was more sisterly love than anything. I blamed everything on me and continuously said sorry. Eventually we started talking again.

Well, awhile after I broke up with her I got together with my best friend. As both me and Ebon were friends of hers, we decided to keep this from her until she felt better about the situation.

She found out about us.

And fucking freaked out, because apparently good intentions aren't enough. Nope, she hasn't called me a horrible person enough times. Apparently I must wait more than a month to get together with someone.

Oh and that's not all, besides insulting the shit out of me apparently she's going to 'smash my face with a sledgehammer, put daggers in my eyes, and cut out my tongue with a rusty knife.' She also threatened to give Ebon's number to trade chat.

Oh, AND the people she told, that I thought were my friends? Fucking no. They never were. I see this on my facebook:

"Luana shares:
 Eat It.

Chris: "How dare you do that! Seriously. Couldn't you have waited until the scars had healed a bit, before you went behind her back?! I am so disappointed in you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You don't deserve someone as awesome as Bronen. I don't think we can be friends anymore."

Cyndi likes this."

Yeah, all three of those people? I should have known better than to trust anyone. Why am I so mean on aywas? Everyone always stabs you in the fucking back.

Then I read this:

"To Ebon and Zebby,

Why on Earth did you think it was a good idea to keep it hidden from me? Or more importantly, why so soon after breaking up with me? Do either of you have morals or common sense even? No, one of you was just waiting for the other to break up with me and didn't care if it hurt me more in the process by keeping it hidden. That's not "protecting" me. That's just being selfish and it's kind of sad neither of you had enough common sense to realize how wrong it is, considering one of you supposedly read my blog on an almost daily basis. But hey, what I say or feel doesn't matter. I'm easily replaced. Either way, what you two did is not what friends would do and I really could care less what is coming to you. I defended you both for the longest, but after what you've done, I'm not going to bother. Have fun. I don't know how anything in this blog makes you think it's ok to date behind my back while I'm dealing with depression. When you both figure out how to actually be good friends and act like best friends, let me know. Both of you are horrible people."

Putting words in my mouth and making me out to be the bad person LIKE ALWAYS. You never do anything wrong, do you Bronen? Nope, THAT WOULD BE SILLY.

Fuck, I should have listened to my grandparents when they warned me. I can't believe I'm crying over this. You never wanted to be my friend after we broke up, that was a lie. (See? How about I put words in your mouth because THEY SEEM TRUE TO ME.) Ugh, I know she won't read this but.. I need to vent here before I post to her.

Fucking eh, I just... I just can't do it anymore. I can't. Nothing ever goes right. Ever. I can NEVER be happy. Mom was right. I should have shut up and killed myself a long fucking time ago.


Jazmyn said...

Zeb-zeb-zebbity-zebby. You should know that they aren't worth your time. You're much better than that shit. Chin up and keep trolololing!

Erica Vello said...

I know your pain in a small portion at least. I am getting threats and have been myself from an idiot who's butthurt over everyone finding out she was fake and made up this fake persona to go with it.. Fail.. But yeah, not the point. I hope you feel better, some people just aren't worth it!

TheRollingTire said...

*huggles Zebby*

Don't you even feel bad. That girl was bad news.